Hey folks. It has been a while since I have updated the site so apologies. We are still very much Paleo and still dip in and out of the Autoimmune Protocol. After getting back on the autoimmune horse after a while I realised how much we had come to rely on eggs and a few […]

Making your own kombucha
Fermentation is popular with both the Paleo and Weston A. Price communities, whether it be sauerkraut or kimchi the benefits of probiotics, in our ever more sanitised world, is more important than ever. Kombucha, for those of you who don’t know, is a fermented drink made from sweet tea; it has many reported health benefits, […]

The Real Food Company in Alsager
One of the most difficult aspects, for most of us, when following the paleo diet is finding the quality ingredients needed to prepare a nutritious paleo meal. Most supermarkets really don’t cut it; they are the size of an aircraft hanger but once you’ve ignored the breakfast cereals, bread, fruit juices, additive-laced tinned and jarred […]

It’s a Paleo, Primal Thing (Guest Post)
Hey folks, this week we have a guest post from Karen Maidment who is running UK Paleo and Primal cookery workshops. So, if you guys want to get some help making the switch to Primal or Paleo then Karen is the lady to help you get there. It’s a Paleo, Primal Thing Paleo and Primal are […]
Intermittent Cardio – HIIT Running Strategies
If you have spent any time at all in the Paleo / Primal ecosystem you have likely come across the term Chronic Cardio along with a general dislike of everything cardio. Whether it is Robb Wolf, Mark Sisson or another one of the Paleo stalwarts it would seem the dislike of cardio is well established. […]

Cold, Shivering, & Sleep – Evolutionary Fat Loss Tools?
There is a tendency amongst folks, be that scientists, fitness people or just your everyday folks like you and me to find a single solution to a given problem and fat loss and body composition fall firmly into that category. Some will tell us it is too many calories, too many carbs, not enough activity, […]

The trouble with fad diets is…………..
I was chatting to someone, who works for a medical company, about the Paleo diet, we’d talked in the past about what constitues being Paleo & he had a general understanding of the principles. He mentioned that he’d had chance to speak to an endochrinologist who worked for the same company as he does & had […]

Rootslaw recipe
Barbecue season has finally arrived, admitedly it’s late and it probably won’t last too long, but that’s all the more reason to take advantage of it while we can. There’s no doubt that the smell of fresh meat being cooked over hot coals excites us like almost no other type of cooking, food is usually […]

Bacon and avocado breakfast wraps
I wish I could be super-organised in the mornings and get up as soon as the alarm sounds, but that rarely happens for me. Usually I’m racing against the clock and subsequently looking for a quick but nutritious breakfast before I leave the flat; let’s be honest, the one thing (and probably the only thing) […]

The Importance of Food Quality
Whilst the basic Paleo diet has some good simple rules at it’s core when you dig deeper and start to personalise the diet to suit your individual needs then things can become a little complicated. Whether you are looking to do an elimination diet to test for problems that may be contributing to a leaky […]
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Paleo in the UK
PriMod is a new blog formed with the intention of raising awareness of Paleo in the UK which is also known as the Caveman Diet. We will publish a range of Paleo Recipes for the UK along with UK Paleo snacks and Paleo Diet information - all with a UK slant. The Blog will also focus on the Paleo Autoimmune protocol and will provide recipes that are compatible with the autoimmune protocol and that don't include any eggs, nuts, tomatoes or peppers (nightshades).
If you are looking for any of the following: caveman diet uk, paleo recipes uk, paleo diet uk, paleo snacks uk, paleo food uk or just anything Paleo in the UK then follow us on Facebook to keep up to date.
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